Automatic platforms, allowing to overcome the access and staircase height differences, are complex specialized equipment, design and manufacture of which are engaged in accredited companies. These devices are subject to licensing and must strictly comply with all safety standards of GOST.
According to the new rules of installation and operation (PP RF № 743 of June 24, 2017), all models of domestic elevators for people with disabilities must be accompanied by a certificate of the Customs Union (TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of equipment").
Installation of elevators for people with disabilities is carried out by certified contractors responsible for implementing the state subprogram to create a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities. In Moscow, the Department of Capital Construction and Repair is responsible for implementing the initiative, as well as the expert examination of facilities for the possibility of installing lifting mechanisms. This department is the main customer of work to ensure barrier-free access of disabled people to residential and administrative buildings. In addition, the list of tasks of the DCSR includes approval of projects, estimates and issuance of permits for the relevant works.
In addition to contractors accredited by the Department of Capital Construction and Repair, the installation of lifting platforms for MSH is allowed to specialists of manufacturers with the necessary qualifications for the installation of such structures. The responsible body makes the final decision on granting a license on a competitive basis.
Electric and hydraulic elevators for persons with disabilities are installed not only in apartment blocks and municipal institutions, but also in park areas, near bodies of water, in buses, streetcars and other forms of public transport.
An application for the installation of an electric or hydraulic elevator for MSM is submitted to the head of the organization responsible for the provision of public services in residential and administrative buildings (HMO, HMO, DEZ). The document is drawn up in 2 copies in the format of a personal petition. The prepared application is delivered personally to the addressee or sent by registered mail (with notification).
The application must contain a request to install a ramp or elevator of appropriate design, which is planned to be mounted in a strictly defined place. The review period for the request is 30 days.
At the same time, the Department of Social Protection forms and approves the priority order of installation works, as well as drafts the project, its material basis (calculation of the cost of work) and technological expertise. As a result of this analysis, the contractor who will install electric or hydraulic elevators for MSH in a particular case is determined. The company chosen must have the appropriate approvals and follow the instructions of the production documentation exactly..
Installation of the elevator for people with limited mobility includes three stages of engineering work:
Let's remind that according to the Federal law "About modification of articles 15 and 36 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation concerning providing disabled people with conditions for unhindered access to premises in apartment buildings" from 29.12.2017 № 462-FZ, since 09.01.2018 for permission for installation of lifting platforms in apartment buildings the consent of 2/3 of homeowners is not required.