Owners of buildings on the territory of which elevators and lifting devices are installed shall ensure their safety and safe operation in accordance with the norms of the Customs Union and specific instructions of the equipment supplier.
Daily activities
Each day should:
All work on the installation, dismantling, repair and periodic maintenance of wheelchair elevators must be performed on a contractual basis by hired professionals with the appropriate clearance.
Monthly events
During the monthly inspection, it is the responsibility of the specialists to monitor the:
At the same time, the elevator is tested with an emergency battery (and replaced if the battery fails).
Annual events
Once a year it is necessary to:
In addition, the integrity of the paint coating of the cab and other metal parts should be checked periodically as it protects them from corrosion. Steel parts that cannot be painted should be coated with machine oil or grease. The hydraulic fluid should also be changed in good time, because its high solids content (especially abrasive particles) causes rapid line wear, gaps and leaks.
If all of the above rules are observed, lifting devices retain their serviceability without the need for major repairs for a long time (at least 8 years). Here also it is necessary to take into account that all expenses on their maintenance (according to article 15 of the Federal law "About social protection of invalids in the Russian Federation" from 24.11.1995 № 181-FZ) are paid by the administration of the settlement where they are located.
To avoid accidents or rapid failure of lifting equipment, before and during its operation it is necessary to consider that:
In the event of signs of malfunction of the hoist, actuator, platform or cab, immediately stop using the equipment and call the repair team. These include: loud noise, vibrations, smoke, squeaking, grinding or other unusual noises, as well as untimely activation of the electrical equipment when the remote control commands are given. The unit should also be temporarily discontinued if visual inspection reveals deformations, loose screw connections, cracks or tears in the cables/hydraulic lines.
These simple rules will help to make the use of elevators for people with limited mobility safe, and their service life - as long as possible.